Well we have officially moved into a fabulous new studio space located in beautiful Metchosin, British Columbia.  Bigger and Better!  The best part about this new studio space is the HEAT!  In my previous studio, it was great, but had no heat and while this was fabulous for my flowers, it wasn't the greatest for my little fingers.  I am looking forward to having more space and a larger cooler.  One other thing that makes my heart sing, is my new garden.  I have many well established plants, bushes and flowers I'll be able to watch grow this season.  I was sad to leave my previous garden but am looking forward to the new one.  I was able to dig up a lot of my bulbs and move them, however I do not know how many will produce this year as they already began to sprout before I had a chance to move them.  I have given them a lot of love and am hoping for the best.  This year, I will try to take more photos!  Along with our new studio space, we now have the room to hold flower seminars and will be launching our first seminar shortly which will be great for brithday parties, we'll have both child friendly and adult classes, DIY wedding florals, beginners and advanced classes.
We'll see you soon! 

2 year



Well, I can't believe Platinum Floral Designs is coming up to it's first full year in business.  It's been a blast and looking back I can only say WOW!  Going into a new business venture is a crazy wild ride but so worth all the effort.  I couldn't have done this without the support of my loving husband, and when I say loving, I mean an extreme amount of love.  I have only experienced great feedback and support from clients and from other working professionals within the industry and it makes this all worth while.  As we work our way into our second year of business we are concentrating on expanding our shop, creating new networks and of course working hard to continue our success.  If there is one thing to say, I appreciate and respect all the loving brides we worked with last year who trusted us to get the job done right.  We sincerely thank you for all the kind words. There is something to be said when you take the "business" out of the business and create relationships with the people who are working with you.  I have met great people, in different walks of life, not once was it about "selling" people, it was and will always be about getting to know my clientele, who they are, what they like, and growing inspiration from them.  This is the basis of Platinum Floral Designs, our backbone, our rock!  It's about being personal, being luxurious and always quality.  On a final note, we wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and wish the best for you and your family in the New Year.  Wish us luck in year two:)
I decided to create a mini office for my kids to sit at while I am off typing emails, invoicing etc.  I thought it was such a great idea and so did my kids!  I set up a little table with paper and pens for them to colour, eat snacks, and let me get some paperwork done!  Well let's just say they were interested in it for about one day!  Aghh, any ideas out there?  I think I need Martha Stewart
I said I was going to blog about all aspects of starting up a new business and haven't lately been blogging about the personal side of things.  It's starting to hit home as I realize it's a huge undertaking.  I always new it was going to be, but what I hadn't realized is that it's mentally draining as I find myself constantly thinking about what my new step is going to be.  The business is like a baby, needing constant attention, nurturing.  It's wonderful to watch it grow, exhilarating and fantastic, but just like a baby, it cries too!  Through busy times, I hire a sweet nanny to watch over my children, other times I try to do it with my children here, and that isn't the easiest task, filing paperwork, e-mailing or billing which should only take a few hours, with the kids this can become an all day process.  Not only is it harder with the children ( and I know all mother's will contest to this) , it's those guilty feelings you get when you plop the children in front of the T.V. for a half an hour praying to just finish one task.  For now, I have found a routine which works for my children and for my business, I haven't found the time to include my husband which has taken its toll.  Fortunately, I have a great husband who has supported me on my move to work from home, however it is time consuming and now I must find a way to reconnect our lives, our schedules so we both can enjoy each other.  Other aspects, when they said you won't see a profit from your business for three years, they weren't kidding.  Putting money right back into the business is consistent.  Advertising is a huge expense, child care and networking are all things that need consideration.  Where to put the money?  Whom to advertise to?  So much to think about and it at times does get overwhelming.  So far, word of mouth has been the best advertising I could ask for, referrals are great!  So as I continue to expand my business and grow, I'll continue to let you know h
It's finally time to launch our frequent Flower Program and we're so excited for it.   All the information will be launched onto my site ASAP.  We think it's such a unique gift opportunity and what a lovely way to bring in fresh florals weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.  We made up our gift certificates for it today and are so excited to give the first one out.  We're thinking to kick it off, we'll have to have a contest - something along the lines of the best home made and recycled vase will win a 3-month term for FREE.  That sounds so much fun, tune back in when all the details are set. 
As the tulips in the garden fade out and need to be stored, sad as it may be, my Iris' and Allium's are here to again light up the garden with an amazing display of blue's, purple's, yellows and whites.  The Iris, a dazzling flower, strong and long lasting, I dream of the bride who comes to PFD asking in late May, early June to have an entire bouquet built from these outstanding flowers.  Our flower cart is stocked full and Hayden is delighted.
I am so glad to see the bridal bouquet trend move from hand tied bouquets back to holder bouquets.  Many brides are asking for more technical, structured and personalized bouquets which allows more depth and detail, more creativity.  By using a bouquet holder, your flowers will be able to drink all day long, providing longer lasting bouquets.  Don't get it wrong!  If you like the look of a hand tied bouquet, it's still achievable using a holder.  More and more tricks and products are being introduced into the floral world and I am so excited to put them to the test.
Another trend we are seeing are "arm" bouquets which allows the bride to carry with her throughout the entire day and into the evening.  The bouquet rests on the brides wrist and trails down with flowers and accessories looking lovely for the First Dance. 

Something Old:  Incorporating heirlooms is another unique way to enhance the bouquet.  Ideas: using jewels and linens past down in and around the holder and flowers creates a personal touch

Our family is gearing up for Al's Birthday this weekend.  Al was a family friend who was very dear to our hearts and we suddenly lost him last year.  This year, although Al cannot be with us physically, here in spirit we are hosting a formal outdoor dinner party!  It will be a party to remember as I will doing a very grand floral table spread.  I have always wanted an excuse to do one (and of course what a great way to convince my husband to spend all that money on flowers!).  I haven't exactly figured out what the design scheme will be, however AL loved roses and lilies.  These 2 flowers will be incorporated somehow.  The party will be held this Saturday and I will post the awesome pictures shortly after.  Wish me luck!
I believe it's important to teach our children about the natural world in which we live.  Going back to our roots,  I like to show my children about rain harvesting, composting, planting flowers/vegetable gardens and making floral bouquets.  Our tulip garden is in full bloom and looks like candy from a candy store.  The colours tulips bring into everyday life fills our lips with smiles and our hearts with delight. Hayden (my son) planted our tulip bulbs last fall using all organic matter and its wonderful to watch him pick bouquets for our flower cart permanently parked outside our front yard.  Passer-byers pick a bunch and put money into Hayden's bucket.  It's a joy for us not only to learn about the earth's splenders, but to take pleasure in knowing our home grown flowers are also bringing delight to all the Happy Valley locals.  It's so important to come together as a community, sharing candy coloured flowers is such a lovely thought.  I always think about my clientele and imagine the "receiver" of the bouquet, imagine their smile; brings joy into my life.  
And then back to the real world as I watch Hayden take his plastic sword to my ranunculus' (oh my ranunculus', such a beautiful addition to my flower garden, my pride and joy), snip, slash....... I guess we can all guess what he had done to my ranunculus'..... 3 year olds!

 I am blogging today about my journey into this flower business. It sort of landed right into my lap when life seemed a bit difficult and random, wondering what our next step was going to be. The economy crashed and having a husband running his own contracting business, things got a bit dicy! 2009 was a year of heartaches and miracles. We lost a very close family friend and employee, things just haven't been the same since, my husband's company had gotten to the point of 8 full time employees, but this slowly dwindled shortly after the crash. We moved into a sweet little country style home which was more in rent, not good in a time of wondering when the next big job was going to be!, but we fell in love with it and its been a place of love and new door openings! My second child was born last year, little Alivia, our little miracle.  An eye opener, she told us life was going to get better!  It has been hard to see my husband work 7 days a week and hard for my children, especially my son, Hayden, who just turned 3, a pure Daddy's boy! 
I hadn't worked full time since my son was born, a few part time interior design jobs once in a while, but I was ready to jump back into the working field. Interior Design wasn't the place to be, no one was hiring, most had been closing their doors, so I turned back to my love of flowers and let them do the talking to me! I began supplying floral bouquets to farmer's markets, dug up the back yard to grow my very own organic cut flower garden, contacted a graphic designer to launch my custom floral site, researched, put on a Cancer Floral Show, expanded my basis, did some local networking and I continue to work hard to launch my little baby business into a furry! 
It ain't easy, trying to raise 2 little rug rats, keep the house clean and run a small business, but with the right determination and the right skills (a little patience and a lot of hard work!), anything is possible! So here I am, first year in business and I must say, it has been going great. I have had great responses from people around Victoria and even floral designers from the States. People, and florists who have worked in the industry for 22 years have been floored by my designs and it gives me great pleasure and gives my strength to keep going, even if my children are being crazy today! OR the day just doesn't seem long enough to get everything done! I hope all of you will follow me on my journey, I will be blogging about all aspects of starting a business in a poor economy,  young mother, and I hope this inspires you to jump into whatever it is in your life that makes sense, makes you happy!