I said I was going to blog about all aspects of starting up a new business and haven't lately been blogging about the personal side of things.  It's starting to hit home as I realize it's a huge undertaking.  I always new it was going to be, but what I hadn't realized is that it's mentally draining as I find myself constantly thinking about what my new step is going to be.  The business is like a baby, needing constant attention, nurturing.  It's wonderful to watch it grow, exhilarating and fantastic, but just like a baby, it cries too!  Through busy times, I hire a sweet nanny to watch over my children, other times I try to do it with my children here, and that isn't the easiest task, filing paperwork, e-mailing or billing which should only take a few hours, with the kids this can become an all day process.  Not only is it harder with the children ( and I know all mother's will contest to this) , it's those guilty feelings you get when you plop the children in front of the T.V. for a half an hour praying to just finish one task.  For now, I have found a routine which works for my children and for my business, I haven't found the time to include my husband which has taken its toll.  Fortunately, I have a great husband who has supported me on my move to work from home, however it is time consuming and now I must find a way to reconnect our lives, our schedules so we both can enjoy each other.  Other aspects, when they said you won't see a profit from your business for three years, they weren't kidding.  Putting money right back into the business is consistent.  Advertising is a huge expense, child care and networking are all things that need consideration.  Where to put the money?  Whom to advertise to?  So much to think about and it at times does get overwhelming.  So far, word of mouth has been the best advertising I could ask for, referrals are great!  So as I continue to expand my business and grow, I'll continue to let you know h
It's finally time to launch our frequent Flower Program and we're so excited for it.   All the information will be launched onto my site ASAP.  We think it's such a unique gift opportunity and what a lovely way to bring in fresh florals weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.  We made up our gift certificates for it today and are so excited to give the first one out.  We're thinking to kick it off, we'll have to have a contest - something along the lines of the best home made and recycled vase will win a 3-month term for FREE.  That sounds so much fun, tune back in when all the details are set. 
As the tulips in the garden fade out and need to be stored, sad as it may be, my Iris' and Allium's are here to again light up the garden with an amazing display of blue's, purple's, yellows and whites.  The Iris, a dazzling flower, strong and long lasting, I dream of the bride who comes to PFD asking in late May, early June to have an entire bouquet built from these outstanding flowers.  Our flower cart is stocked full and Hayden is delighted.